Category / Interesting

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  • Annunaki – Those who from Heaven to Earth came

    I created this book on the Annunaki for a class project. Over 70 pages filled with photos and detailed information on Sumeria, ancient civilizations, cuneiform tablets, and the story of the Annunki, which was inscribed on the Sumerian tablet and translated with the help of Zackariah Stichen.    

  • Ding Tea Anaheim Hills – Coming Soon!

    Coming Soon to Anaheim Hills CA! This will be our 3rd location. These renderings were created by Vinci Solutions in Fountain Valley. Final Design hopefully will look as good as these renderings. #BobaLife

  • Ding Tea Hawthorne – Coming Soon!

    Ding Tea Hawthorne official opening day was June 5th, 2021!